

Understanding “Loonheffing” in the Netherlands

“Loonheffing” is the umbrella term for taxes and premiums deducted from your income, playing a pivotal role in funding public services and social insurances. This deduction comprises four key components:

  1. Income Tax (Loonbelasting): A mandatory tax for all working individuals, supporting public amenities like infrastructure, education, and healthcare.
  2. National Insurance Premium (Premie volksverzekeringen): Contributions to social provisions such as old-age pensions (AOW) and child benefits.
  1. Employee Insurance Premium (Premie werknemersverzekeringen): Reserved for employees facing illness, (partial) disability, or unemployment, funding benefits like WW, WIA, WAO, and ZW.
  1. Income-dependent Contribution to Health Insurance (Inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage zorgverzekeringswet): A contribution to maintain affordable healthcare for everyone.

Employers automatically deduct “loonheffing” from your gross salary, sustaining the Dutch welfare state. Your net salary, after deductions like pension contributions, lands in your account.

Loonheffingskorting (payroll tax credit)

Any individual paying “loonheffing” is entitled to “loonheffingskorting,” a tax credit designed to boost your net salary. This credit is straightforward to claim, requiring application with your employer, with attention to specific conditions, especially if you’re employed by multiple companies.

Types of Tax Credits: 

The “loonheffingskorting” encompasses various credits, automatically applied to every employee:

  1. General Tax Credit (Algemene heffingskorting): A universal reduction in income tax and national insurance premiums, influenced by your income.
  2. Labour Tax Credit (Arbeidskorting): Another general credit automatically applied by your employer, depending on your age and income level.

Decoding “Loonheffing” Mechanics

Your employer handles the “loonheffing” process, while the government provides a transparent breakdown. It involves categorizing your income into three boxes: Box 1 (income from work and home), Box 2 (significant interest), and Box 3 (savings and investments). Each box has its tax rate, contributing to the calculation of your “loonheffing.”

Navigating “Loonheffingskorting”

While “loonheffingskorting” is a universal entitlement, you must actively request it. Applying this credit reduces your calculated “loonheffing,” resulting in a higher net salary. Adjustments during the year may be necessary due to job changes, unemployment, or salary increases, resolved in the annual tax return.

How to Apply for “Loonheffingskorting”

Applying for “loonheffingskorting” is generally financially beneficial. Whether starting a new job or deciding later, the ‘Model opgaaf gegevens voor de loonheffingen’ form facilitates the application process. Ceasing the benefit with one employer, especially if you have multiple jobs, is crucial to avoid complications. Opting out of “loonheffingskorting” results in a lower net salary, but overpaid taxes can be reclaimed during the annual tax return.


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